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Fire Outbreak Disrupts Wedding Reception in Lagos!

A fire outbreak occurred during a wedding reception in Lagos, causing panic and chaos among the guests. The incident reportedly took place at a popular event center on the Lagos Island during the reception, leaving attendees scampering for safety.

According to eyewitnesses, the fire started from a spark in the power generator that was supplying electricity to the event center. Despite the efforts of the wedding guests and staff, the fire quickly spread and engulfed the entire hall, causing significant damage to the venue.

Fortunately, there were no casualties recorded as everyone was able to evacuate the building safely. However, many guests lost their valuables and personal belongings in the fire, adding to the already traumatic experience.

The Lagos State Fire Service arrived at the scene shortly after being notified and was able to put out the fire after several hours of battling with the blaze. The cause of the fire is still being investigated, but it's believed to have been triggered by an electrical fault.

The wedding reception was cut short due to the incident, leaving the newlyweds and their guests devastated. Many people have expressed their condolences and sympathies to the affected couple and their families.

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