Palm oil production in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria involves a traditional method that has been passed down from generations.
The process starts by harvesting fresh fruit bunches from oil palm trees. These bunches are then transported to the processing area, where they are sterilized by heating them in a drum for about 45 minutes.
After sterilization, the fruits are then transferred to a digester machine, which extracts the oil from the fruit by breaking down the cell structure. The digester is made of a large cylindrical vessel with a motor attached to it that rotates the palm fruit, while steam is injected through a pipe that runs through the vessel, heating up the fruit. The mixture is then transferred to a screw press, which separates the oil from the fiber and water.
Once the oil is extracted, it is boiled for a few hours to remove excess water and impurities. The final step is to pour the oil into large containers, where it is allowed to cool and solidify. The resulting palm oil is dark red in color and has a strong flavor and aroma.
It is important to note that this method of palm oil production in Akwa Ibom is just one of the many ways in which palm oil is produced across Nigeria, with each state having its own unique method. #laughandlearntoyshop #palmoilproduction